. >> hey guys this episode gets personal, i'm here with doctor crystal dilworth and marita davison, and my epi pen. and i have it for a very important reason which is i'm allergic to peanuts and some other nuts too, but if i get too close to peanuts, one of you would have to grab this, take off the lid, and jab me in the thigh. >> i'm lucky, i don't have any allergies, but phil i know this is something you have to really organize your life around. i mean even here at this coffee shop you have to ask if anything here is cooked with peanuts or peanut oil before you can order off the menu. >> kind of a pain when it comes to ordering in places like this. >> but you know what's surprising and i would say really alarming is that the number of people like you, phil, with food allergies has skyrocketed in the last few decades, and we went to find out why we're seeing a rise in food allergies and if we might find a cure. >> it was terrifying. his face basically swelled up like twice the normal size. >> when you've held your daughter in your arms almost dying because of something as basic as milk