the tenth in a row, it is addressed to the legends, the iconic quartet of ballet masters, marius pyatipa, leonid yakobson, boris eifman, and of course, valentin elizariev. the artistic director of the theater with the prefix "ex" served on the stage of the big one. half a century left his post just last week. our cultural observer daria tarasova knows where the plots of the ballet summer lead. ballet summer the official main character of the bolshoi afisha without entr'acts, the festival show-off, will dance until sunday inclusive. the final step of the marathon is aesthetically pleasing with a concert of ballet stars. in the meantime, let’s talk about what those who are fluent in the classics will tell us beyond the academic framework. the word st. petersburg corpse. yakobson ballet theater. our academic striptych choreo of bestsellers in the mise-en-scenes of contemporary vyacheslav samadurov scored 598 bars inspired by bach's scores. modern ballet danced gambling chistushki to shchedrin’s scale, in prime time evening dedication choreography. jacobson, his cycle of miniatures raden the