back you're saying that social media opened up the voices of the people who are otherwise silenced mariyam away so is very popular now in the global scene she was arrested because of her campaign especially because of the so how bad is a problem people are willing to go above and beyond to silence those who dare to you know rebel to change the norm so there's a lot of danger i guess in doing that personal and otherwise apart from the online attacks who you know that are just never ending death threats. so yeah you know you could get arrested the rapist why not there are people there in a panic get raped who rush rush into a police station and the kind of reception they get you know it's it's another form of trauma right i was in a police station with minors who were raped and the police said she was a suspect and they were dragging her telling her to take of her shoes and they were going to put her in solitary confinement if i get raped god forbid there's no way i'm going to go to the police station and i'd rather come on social media so obviously by no standards does it sound ok and i was