marj simpson's debut in "playboy." marj, of course, stars in the long-running animated sit com"the simpsons" and she's featured in the new november issue of "playboy" making sdmreen. i want to show wendy walsh these amazing pictures. is it just outrageous? is it all in good fun? >> marj, marj, marj. first of all, the simpsons are famous for chronicling all our times, all our culture, and, remember, all comedy is just tragedy viewed from across the street, right? what is left for a woman who has no identity as a wife and mother anymore? you know, when we got feminism, we threw away a through rights t too. marj has to be hot now? marj has to be posing for "playboy?" what's up with that? >> you know it's a cartoon, right? i appreciate your insight. wendy, cooper, thank you for being with me. >> thank you. >>> adam lambert is really steaming things up in his brand new details making sfleen photo shoot. let me tell you, if you didn't know adam was gay, you wouldn't be able to tell from this super sexy photo spread. in fact,