adapted by persepolis creator marjane satrapi from the graphic novel by lauren redniss, subtitled a taleviction by rosamund pike. did you get all the acclamation you felt you deserved? in pike's hands, the french—polish scientist, who became the first woman to win a nobel prize and the first person to win it twice, is a force of nature, a brilliant thinker battling with a chauvinist establishment that considers her as unstable as the elements to which she dedicated her life. will you please give me my x—ray machines and ambulances? sam riley is pierre curie, the partner in whose shadow marie is initially forced to dwell, but upon whose love she depends. written by jack thorne and shot by anthony dod mantle, this is a deliberately unruly picture which abandons the classical biographical storytelling of 1943's madame curie starring greer garson, and instead embarks upon a more anarchic vision in which past and present, triumph and guilt, advantage and harm collide. with her own background in graphic novels, satrapi displays an inventive eye for detail, lending a surreal air to scenes bathe