. >> hi, i'm marjory abrams, the publisher of bottom line books and newsletters.or 37 years, we've been helping consumers to be healthier, wealthier, and wiser by providing the most useful information from the most knowledgeable experts in the world. let me tell you a little bit about our process for gathering all this amazing information. first we find the best experts in a particular field, whether a consumer advocate, car specialist, home repair guru, computer consultant, an accountant, or a doctor, and extensively interview them about their areas of expertise. our research editors carefully fact check and verify all the information. we then ask the expert to review the edited story for accuracy. lastly, we have an independent expert review the final copy so that when it gets to you, our valued reader, we know that you are getting the most credible and trustworthy information. we're committed as a company to accuracy and accessibility in all our publications and content, and in making our customers' lives better. >> the people at the bottom line editors and the