. >> mark barden: we lost our sweet little daniel barden. >> pelley: mark and jackie barden. >> mark a light of positive energy in our home. >> francine wheeler: ben was six years old. >> pelley: david and francine wheeler. >> francine wheeler: ben was smart and funny. >> david wheeler: and our house is very quiet. >> pley: david wheeler fille that "quiet" with a shout to every parent. >> david wheeler: i would like them to look in the mirror. and that's not a figure of speech, scott. i mean, literally, find a mirror in your house and look in it, and look in your eyes and say, "this will never happen to me." it's going to happen again. it is going to happen again. and every time, you know, it's somebody else's school, it's somebody else's town, it's somebody else's community. until one day, you wake up and it's not. >> pelley: that week, several of the families convinced the connecticut legislature to pass universal background checks and to limit the size of ammunition magazines. then, they marched on washington to support a more modest proposal: just closing the loopholes so that al