we have been using reverse validation, and i do have mark blake. he is from the city attorney's office. the next slide talks about the same project. you can see the projects that were completed, at 525 golden gate. >> very quickly, we talked about this yesterday. we have the opinion that this is not for the ongoing maintenance? >> i will have him speak to this. this is exempt from taxes, and part of this is because of the due diligence, to make certain that this is not operating. i can have him speak to that. >> thank you. the next slide just shows you certificates of participation, and to answer your question, we have 740 currently outstanding and the rest of that is in interest. you ask about the breakdown was, and we have about 740 in principles, and about 571 in interest. this is just a short -- a chart showing you this. the next slide is focused on the true general fund, taking out everything that is self supporting, and the debt is about 229 maximum. 21.2 million. >> this is the general fund, the debt service. >> correct. >> the first chart s