burgess or florida. i didn't hear back from them a week. a week later, i called, mark, what happened to my drc? they're having trouble figuring out if these are usable. i said that is not acceptable. they sent somebody out, we reviewed each place, rejected all of them. so they set up drc in hutchinson park on asphalt lot with portable air conditions, but four to five miles from where the disaster hit. it is hard for people to get out there. that is my issue, locations seem to be convenient for people fema, not what works best for area you're in. >> thank you, mayor. we're joined by senator landrieu who has been in this exact situation in the past and worked tirelessly on recovery of hurricane katrina. certainly has some insight for many of us here today. thank you for being here. i want to yield to our distinguished majority whip, congressman scalise. congressman, obviously my earlier comments were in jest. i appreciate what you're doing. i yield to the congressman from louisiana. >> thank you, congressman graves and other panelists being here. obviously last few weeks we've been working number