and i want to thank mark corso for getting that done. um we also as you know, have equipment and capital needs. um they are not, um. apparently not being cut at this time, but our needs are greater than than what our budget is. we've seen cost escalation, especially with our apparatus over the last several years, a truck that used to cost you know, maybe 900,000 now costs well over $2 million um and you know an engine. uh that used to cost you know. half a million now cost close to a million. so um, and, uh so we're really we're really challenged with that as well as repairs cost more. um now, too, so we are continually advocating and, um. and, uh, trying to get more out of out of people, but it is really challenging and as you know, in terms of our capital needs, there's so much in terms of our capital needs in terms of our buildings that, uh, you know, i don't even know how much would be enough at this point or how much they could get done in a year. um i also want to talk about autonomous vehicles. we have been having real challenges