washington, dwight eisenhower, and teddy roosevelt who establish national forest, game preserves, and national parks. the shear act continues these great traditions. my amendment, which adds mark twain national forest to the list of forests provided in the section, assures to the residents of missouri that no executive order, no executive action, or no bureaucrat sitting in washington, d.c., will ever -- who's never set foot on mark twain national forest, will write a rule inhibting the rule to hunt or fish in our national forest. this amendment secures our freedoms to be avid sportsmen. folks in missouri don't want an overzell joust administration to come in and dictate to the hunters and ang anglers of missouri. over 1.3 million missourians hunt or fish and many go to the mark twain national forest each year. it covers roughly 2,331 square miles, 1.5 million acres, most of which reside in missouri's eighth congressional district. i ask the body to support the amendment. i reserve my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? >> mr. chair, i rise in opposition to the amendment. the chair: the gentleman is recog