they may still remember the feeling of the helicopter made its last farewell circle and was off mark earley was the beginning of winter and only thirty two people were left i felt kind of. better for the roof. then the long pole a nice big game along with inevitable depression because of six months absence of some exhausting snowstorms long letters home and the desire to see friends and family but even after all that many will still dream about coming back fortunately there's plenty of work here in antarctica for many generations to come. together and unsolved mystery for me. that is an interesting question. which is why does this place attract me so when i sold mine which if you know what that blowing already. three goodbye horns. the antarctic winter has begun. this is the media leave us so we leave the. potions to cure the play your part of the musical. questions that no one is asking with the guests that deserve answers from. politics only on our t.v. . speak your language. programs here documentaries in arabic in school here on the t.v. reporting from the world talks skiffy ip intervie