back with us, former prosecutor criminal defense attorney mark eiglarsh and defense attorney holly hughes. teresa wants her share. they have a written contract. doesn't she have a good case? >> i think she does. the first thing is, i found out both women were born in a small town called bitterville. >> you're kidding. come on. >> no, i made that up. i don't do research for this show. mike, my point is that these women obviously at their mature age have not learn that somehow, money is not as significant as an important significant relationship with your sibling. i do believe she's got a shot. they did come up with a contract. there doesn't seem to be significant evidence that both parties withdrew from the agreement. if one party tearing it up, that doesn't make it law. if that was the case i'd rip up my mortgage right now and tell the wife the great news. >> that's what's so sad. let me make that point quickly and i'll get holly n. $250 was the root of this argument, separation and now this fight we are talking about. you hear their story when rose had heart surgery who visited every day