i am mark emden. -- crumpton.rkets, their stocks have risen 20% from their low in january which was a six into a half year low. this is the emmy -- msci index.g-markets this is after the fed signaled only two rate increases instead of the four have projected. leading investors to take on risky assets. alix: lower dollar, you will have that rally and risk assets means a lot more money into emerging markets and that encapsulates what we saw this week. what'd you miss? the battle for her soul. fisher is worried about rising inflation. writing this would mark an undesirable reason inflation which would require a relatively abrupt policy tightening. they should keep the expansion on a sustainable track. aboutt: he is not worried not enough inflation. expectations may have edged lower. we should be cautious in assessing that a tightening labor market would move inflation back to 2%. you totally called this. how did brainerd win over young versus fisher? started to warn, wait a second. i am not sure that we can raise int