than that, currently on lombard street, there's over -- we counted 17 according to the park -- mark ferrel's office, 23 vacant places, they've been hit with graffiti, homelessness and your nation and all kinds of problems on these vacancies, our main goal is to fill up all these vacancies, lombard street needs a big business like that, needs pet food express to open up so it can attract other businesses to open up near it and we need the foot traffic that's going to come that will help all the side streets as well as that are currently struggling. when we talk about the currently closed businesses on lombard, we always forget that these businesses used to be open and these businesses were operating at one point or another and now they are closed and we don't want to forget that the current businesses on lombard street are struggling. i've spoke with many of them, 45 of them are our members, they're all struggling and they are in need for something like that to happen, they need change on lombard. this is the right thing for change on lombard street. thank you. >> hello, my name is natalie ro