and i'm talk with mark fiori. we'll even get a behind the scenes look at mark's creative process.fact, there he is getting started on a new drawing. we'll check in in a little bit. in the home stretch to te election, polls show the presidential race tightening. both hillary clinton and donald trump have been campaigning in battleground states in a last ditch effort to expand their electoral reach. john, nice to have you back with us. >> great to be with you, thuy. >> in this final sprint toward november 8th, is it mostly about momentum at this point? is there something each candidate can do to make a big difference? >> it's momentum versus machine. donald trump feels he's got the momentum. he's going outlooking for a democratic state that he can flip. the way it is now hillary clinton could probably lose ohio, pennsylvania and florida and still win the presidency. she's out there trying to bolster the democratic fortresses they feel they've built in states like pennsylvania and michigan to keep donald trump from hitting 270 electoral votes. no matter who wins, you're going to have