he should be paying $60, $70 and it's ok, not otherwise. >> mark grewburg. >> yes, mark in support of the change to 425,000 miles. it's true that the mileage has been increased over the years and there has not been any obvious change or difference or deterioration in the safety of vehicles and the public. and the fact there needs to be some limited granted. a well maintained vehicle will absorb far more miles than a poorly maintained vehicle will and maintenance is done by cab companies on a regular basis because this is the basis of the business. keeping vehicles in good condition and keeping them on the street and keeping them on safe condition is the business they are in and therefore cab companies are attentive to this. we have hundreds upon hundreds of cabs owned and operated by individual drivers and this increase in the mileage will give them, maybe another six months of use out of this vehicle, which is supremely important to someone who is barely, if at all, making a living at this point. so i would just urge you to support this. it's a modest increase. maybe a little over 10