. >> mark gruberg? >> thank you board members mark gruberg i've been long associated with united taxi cab workers and have spoken on their behalf many times and it's fully supportive of the new you know i of the new union of san francisco taxi worker's alliance and has been around for almost 30 years now and i think has very significant accomplishments over the years but it never achieved the goal of a mass taxi driver organization. and that is now happening through the san francisco taxi worker's alliance drivers from all ends of the taxi industry are coming together in this new organization and once it is fully fledged united taxi cab worker's tend to merge itself into the alliance and cab drivers need a strong organization to defend their rights promote their interests, and we are looking forward to working with this board in that capacity, and i just wanted to convey that to you. thank you. >> thank you mr. gruberg. >> we have the last 2 people who have turned in the speaker card. >> thank you. toda