. -- mark hagen not a single error. the free market opens up later in the week. this week, the college basketball season gets under way. joining me now is the coach of the tigers. you are coming out of the gate hot, taking on kansas next week on the road. that is quite a challenge. >> a great challenge, and a super opportunity for the young faces of the program. >> i know your goal is to try to make baltimore more of a college mecca. what are you looking to achieve? >> we practice early today. they got the chance to put on the uniform and a few people in the stands and hopefully get the jitters out. for us, any time we get on the floor we have to get better. we have a young group and new group. we're trying to change a culture a little bit. >> we look forward to the preview tonight. stay with us. tom tasselmire back with a tom tasselmire back with a seven-day bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at bgesmartenergy.com. >> coming up, we