. >> it began with mark hannah who said, it's two tngs that matter, money, and i can't remember the otherng. hat evey've lived with since. it's a corrupt system and it corrupts anybody in it. >> how do we cnge it? >> public financing. blic financing. we elected ronald reagan twice under it, and he abided by it. hi had limitations on what he could raise and what he could spend. woodruff: we'll keep talking about it. mark shields and mona charen, thank you both. >> thank you. m woodruff: and finally tonight, a norial and museum in montgomery, alabama, aim to shine new light on one of the darkest periods in american history-- one of racial terror and lynching. jeffrey brown has this look. and a warning: viewers may find some images in this piece disturbing. >> it speaks to a difficult past, a difficult history. >> brown: it's a haunting feeling, to descend beneath a forest of steel columns, symbols of a haunted american past-- the systematic lynching of thousands r african americans. as we walk, the. so it becomes, what? >> yes, well, it become sobering to now know that these fires are being