haynes. >> michael k, haley. >> roberta b. heber. >> charles francis exam via heeran. >> john f heffernan. >> michelle, haydn berger. >> sheila m. as. s. hein. >> h. joseph heller. >> joanne l. heltibridle. >> ronald j hemenway. >> markie lee henderson. >> brian hennessey. >> michelle marie henrique. >> joseph patrick and ray. >> william l. henry junior. ♪ [bell ringing] -- >> joseph patrick henry. >> william l. henry junior. ♪ [bell ringing] ♪ >> you'll never be alone if you fall, i'll catch ♪ >> if you follow, i'll catch i will never let you be alone ♪ no, you'll never be alone. ♪ [applause] >> thank you that was a perfect song. >> [indiscernible] he always had a dream about keeping the american dream alive. and i ask for everyone to honor that, and keep it alive and to continue to support and defend your country. my children speak to him all the time and i have said this before, thank you. >> we remember so many other americans lost to violence, depression and the pandemic in our country you do not receive a national moment of recognition and whose families more them deeply come as we do today. and my beloved sister catherine patricia salter, we have not gotten over it, but we have gotten on. we have tried to live