all of them were at the front by the forty-third year mark ivanikhin was the battery commander, katyushaion, on which you can’t hide behind someone’s back, he was at the forefront for almost the entire war. if they were dug out of the spot somewhere it was on the armor of the tank, but on the kursk bulge it seemed that there was nowhere to go at all, in general, there was such a terrible meat grinder, and when thousands of planes fly, on july 4 he launched a strip of front participation, and when they fly 70 junkers becomes a corpse. then one throws a bomb, the second the third, then they finished throwing the bomb, one fires from a machine gun the second until you have time to cover all these shootings on a level and this one all the filth before you seems that you are like this out of the fourteen people who were on that excursion in the monastery, venerated the relics of sergius of radonezh, only he was the only one who returned from the war , he was the only one left alive. everything was. well, i went through this side dish, which i think, because it still didn’t help, sergius of ra