mark kirasich says nasa needs t find a way to entice private industry to invest in space exploration.>> s right now, we're working on commercializing the international space station-- tourist sorts of things, scientific endeavors. and the moon offers some special opportunities-- mining on the moon. so, there can be busesses that take advantage, and that's... and that's what we're trying to do-- find businesses, motivate businesses that can then make a profit by flying space missions. >> sreenivasan: mining operations othe moon? i mean, it seems so sci-fi, but who gets to mine the moon? i mean, are we doing ts humanity-- as one species, so to speak-- together? are we doing it as countries? are we t dois as companies? >> well, we'll have to develop the laws, the international laws, and we'll have to work those sorts of things out. those are legal questions. i'm still working on the engineering problems. >> sreenasan: ( laughs ) kirasg ich may be focusin engineering problems, but the fact is space exploration is no longer just a two-country race between the unit the soviet union, as it w