kbg to find on other relad areas or where it's going to go. >> the fudge on here, the notion that mark le vin is a new outlet, that's their way of disgracing news media. it's not the "new york times" or "the washington post," l.a. times or major news network. it's mark le vine. they raul people up without charges and nobody keeps count of this. there is president getting his information from these people. >> a significant portion, 30% believes mr. trump right off the bat. >> did they believe him about obama being an illegal immigrant? >> it gave him a lot of traction. >> do they believe it now? >> i bet you a significant portion do. >> do you believe president -- >> i think there's a third of the american electorate believe it's true. >> they say only kellyanne, the president has access to this information. it's cleverly worded spicer is not going to lie for the president. >> thank you. somebody has to be sane. >>> coming up more on the alleged charges. the only conspiracy he doesn't talk about is the one that isn't true that the russians helped get him president. now that he is president how