joining me now with the ing market trade is mark mobius. always a pleasure to speak with you mark. how do you think president trump changes the competitive landscape and trade overall for emerging markets? >> he's having a tremendous impact on emerging countries around the world. of course, not only emerging countries, but developed countries as well. particularly in he emerging countries. the most important change is the trump attitude to challenge everything. to start with a clean slate. that's having a big political influence on some of the countries. it is similar to what happened after the american revolution. you had the french revolution and change throughout europe. you will have this impact around the world with trump, particularly in emerging countries where people in these countries will question their current leaderships and they will question the licies they are following. it will be very interesting going forward. >> based on what we saw from trump four year as and what he said so far in the last couple weeks, there are certain emerging markets that will do better und