our author mark moyar is director of the center for military and diplomatic history here in washingtonand he has served as professor at the us marine corps university and a senior fellow at the joint special operations university. he has advised the senior leadership of several us military commands as well. he holds a ba, summa complot from harvard and a phd from cambridge. in addition to the book that we are talking about today he also wrote a number of other words including: building partner nations and ending poverty through human capital that i read in grad school, strategic failure how president obama is a drone warfare defense cuts and military amateurism have imperiled america, a question of command counterinsurgency from the civil war to a rack, triumph forsaken the vietnam war, 1965 and phoenix and the birds of prey. with that said, i look forward to your discussion and i'll turn it over to you doctor randy carmack. >> thanks for that kind introduction. and thanks for inviting me here. it's great to be back at the heritage foundation. i will talk about the book a little bit, i