mark nord, does usda agree?st: yes, i will talk later about research we did around the recovery act, the stimulus bill. that many other things were in that bill, increase snap benefits about 60% on average. 16% on average. the graph you have now, talk about it a little bit. it helps shed light on the snap caseload. you can see looking back a couple of business cycles -- host: this is the chart? poverty is the top line. snap participants, food stamp or participants is the blue line. unemployed is green. guest: this goes back to food insecurity, snap participation goes up following the recession as food insecurity increase. looking back over this period, it has basically followed the trend of the poverty rate and the unemployment rate. it tends to take it a while to come down after unemployment. host: we see the snap participation rate, caroline ratcliffe, going up, up to 45 million americans who use food stamps. why? does that seem extreme? guest: no, it does not. people have voiced concern about the increases in