mark peper is a defense attorney in charleston who had represented peter in the past. >> just a quick thumb through of his rap sheet shows how many times he'd missed court, how many times been accused of doing these same exact things with different women it's very clear to me that this court did not have the appropriate information to make an informed decision as to what kind of bond should be set on this charge because a $25,000 dollar bond for somebody that has this track record of convictions and pending charges is just way to low okay. you're going to find a bondsman that'll take $500 dollars to bond him out. >> but how can that happen? how can it be that you know.. >> it's possible that when charleston county brought him over to set his bond they didn't either have access or just didn't ask for access for the other two counties records right? and this has happened on multiple occasions with multiple different victims in multiple different jurisdictions >> there's a pattern, i mean that... >> there's a pattern right right >> if i'm zakiya lawson's family i want to know why if they