and border patrol assistant commissioner james-- he's no longer there, he's talking to senator mark pryorom arkansas, but it'll give you a chance to see whether this is still the truth about eight years later. >> my understanding is that-- excuse me-- the policy is to do a polygraph on all the applicants connect that is our goal, sir. >> and my understanding the only do about 10% right now, is that right to make that's accurate. >> of those who are polygraph, what percentage are found unsuitable for service? >> proximally 60%. >> and we extrapolate from that, you know, if there is 90 or 85% of the folks that are on this chart here that have not been polygraph that may be 60% of them might not pass the polygraph if they took the test to? >> we another's have done an analysis and reach the same conclusion. host: did they give you a polygraph test? guest: i do not receive a polygraph test. host: do you know what he's talking about? guest: i do. this was a conversation being had also the time when i joined. you know, i joined sort of at the tail end of the bush hiring push, so similarly there