scott thompson is host to the news talk to them contributing to the future economy in services mark richard scott has hosted after ten for more than a year ranked from the get go he knows others say he knows he's a dad. what to expect the norse response will be in the sky please send it to the provocation and explain forests little bit. howell north previews. these exercises that take place actu boss will respond consequently the national duty. his sudden changes like are we talking about some sort of. that situation went on some decor. stephen jones exclusion man and one million units. it's so different from its really a good friend like that dad has resolved the situation the council take it very. we know the north is very unpredictable. um let's say another sudden change occurs within the regime. he expected us to respond. and the worst decision of a news editor and a program host might seem like two different worlds. any look like two different fields. but the experiences from these two fields lead into one another. what if i wasn't doing the editing. ima not be are you thinking about some of