really cool costume thanks to something called an eye wound created by digital duds, created by mark roberhes a member of the former offer the nasa company. the challenge for these guys was that they only had one hour to accomplish their pumpkin masterpiece. >> you know what that was? >> this is probably my favorite, the chocolate fountain. >> are there fish swimming around in that pumpkin? >> it looks as though there are fish. >> this was a competition and one of the judges was martin. >> to tell us who won, we have marked via skype right this minute. welcome to the show, marc. >> it was a close call. there was a total of 14 pumpkins and third place was the death star. second place was the fondue alien guy and first place was the fish one. bubbles, a peroscope. >> he did that in one hour. >> the pumpkin needs to be carved in the hour. people will prepare beforehand and at home and bring it there. >> the owl, they were using the digital duds eyeball. were they trying to kiss up to the judge? >> that's right. that actually could be but it didn't work. i was an impartial judge. >> what are t