mark rose been thall and his wife got lost in the rows and tree, they called the orchard's store for help but it was closed. that's when rosenthal1! >> yes, we are in the honey pot orchard. >> uh-huh? >> we can't find our way out. >> and we're wawrks and it's getting dark. bill: well, police tracked the call with gps! and rosenthal is the local tv weatherman out of boston. he explained how all the trouble started there? >> i just folded my wife. she's a speech pathologist, she's a teacher, she shows everything, she said follow me, i know where i'm going, i said really? so she brought me down this dirt road. bill: i am not stops and asking for directs, ever! the orchard says in 85 years, it's the first time anyone got lost inside. martha: that's like the people in the corn maze that called 99 -- that called 911 and they said isn't your husband there with you? yeah, he's of no help whatsoever, and his wife was of no help whatsoever! bill: folks dying to get on television. martha: you are so cynical! people would get lost in the honey pot orchard so they can be on our show? i know everyone wants to be on our show, but -- >> you wil