taxi workers alliance, mark rueberg. i want to thanks supervisor peskin for bringing this forward. sb-182 was really just piling it on to a whole bunch of other laws and rules that treat cab drivers unfairly visa vi transportation network company drivers. and actually treats everybody who pays a business license fee in san francisco unfairly as opposed to tnc drivers because they are the only ones who are exempted under state law to my knowledge. so, this will inject a little bit more fairness into it and owing to the fact that cab drivers would always be exempted at least during the period that this lawsuit goes forward. and we hope and pray for its success. as you are keenly aware, i'm sure, cab drivers have been suffering mightily over the past few years owing to the discrepancies in regulations between the two forms of service, which are really identical or so close to it that you can't make that distinction [bell]. >> public: and i just urge you to pass this. it will be of some help to cab drivers and if you see your way clear to make this a permanent exemption for cab drivers