rachel mcadams, mark ruffalow, maria shriver. thank you, all, for everything you've done. just joking. as you know, "spotlight" is a film, a movie about investigative journalists with the resources and the autonomy to chase down the truth and hold the powerful accountable. best fantasy film since "star wars." >> that cuts pretty deep, i think. that line, i think that resonated widely at the dinner. what i heard the president doing was creating a divide between two types of journalists. i want to know if you agree. one type who prides conflict and controversy and another type that prides investigative reporting and digging deeply. it seemed to me he was trying to encourage that investigative journalism, even though his administration stymies that kind of work. >> investigative journalism costs money. that's the problem with a lot of news organizations that don't have the resources to devote to that anymore. >> this administration has gone after investigative reporters and even threatened criminal action against them. he should look deeply inside himself when he makes those