it's as if mark rufrsberg is bill murray and the hearing is the date. mr. rufrsberg first date didn't go so well but he was able to do it again in january and he was able to wake up and have a third crack tonight all without having the burden of proof shift to him and without having to approve manifest injustice and without having to garner four votes. please do not let him become bill murray. you voted on december 11th. your subsequent votes must be on the findings and conditions. thank you for your time. >> we can hear from mr. williamson behalf of the other appellant. >> good evening again, steven williams. i tried to exhaust the issues from the board thank you for the time to do that. the law cited by mr. genius last time government code section 65589.5. the housing accountability act has been the law in california for more than 32 years. let me say that again, 32 years. in my brief i discussed every case which is touched on or interpreted that code section. and there has only been seven of them. let me repeat that. there has been 7 cases in 32 years. i