. - author and doctor mark scholz is one of those who claims that prostate cancer is overtreated. - doing surgery on everyone that has prostate cancer results in a tremendously high incidence of impotence, inability to function sexually, and incontinence. - and i have a veggie sandwich... - the side effects that i've experienced since the surgery are i don't have control over my bladder, and i don't have control over my bowel movements. so i have to wear protection all the time. i'm also impotent. - every patient who undergoes a prostatectomy is at risk for these side effects, but their incidence can be greatly reduced by choosing one's surgeon carefully. at johns hopkins and some other major research hospitals, 90% of post-surgical prostate patients retain continence, and more than 50% do not become impotent. regardless of side effects, dr. mark scholz makes the highly charged claim in his book that most prostatectomies in the u.s. are avoidable. - over 50,000 surgeries are done every year. 40,000 of those are unnecessary. those men could either be watched or treated with a much milder t