mark silva by putting titties on page three of the chronicle of crime sports analogy to scandalous spam which the proles. my name would expand globally spreading the feed giving me the power to make a crash political career in the view of transforms journalism is focused by exposing secret dealings so by keeping troops enclosed can you explain why one of you is a rich media mogul while the other is hunted like a criminal into local you know the media with feeding us laws about w.h.y. we kulaks is here to ensure history would repeat we publish truth instead of laws this certainly why we're being persecuted we're doing journalism right you will pay the price of your lack of television and you're headed straight for an american prison chillis take a good look at this rebel fool what's happening to him soon good heaven to use if you strike me down the movement your attack you move to come how good you can possibly imagine this generation is burning the mass media to expel nations truth is a barbarous coverages to tell us you caught me on the fox but i see that you must take a bullet despite