this item was continued from one of your previous meetings and to present this item is mark slutsky and the deputy director for. mark. >> all right. thank you director scott lasky. good afternoon chair scott vice chair kino and commissioner brackett. this director has asked he said i and mark slutsky and i'm the deputy director for oceanic and i am before you today is the personal service contract where we will be requesting a action to authorize the executive director to enter into the preserve for personal service contract with croton associates for landscape maintenance of cfe number one for initial term of three years and an additional three year term for $1,823,152. >> safety number one was established back in 1982. it is funded by a special assessment of the private property owners. we had oci are the administers of cfe number one and cfe one includes for services for maintenance in landscape the furniture, the irrigation and the lighting for four plazas in cfe. >> one area in south beach. >> here we have an aerial view that kind of lets you see where cfd one is with a more zoomed