last year he received th mark twain prize fo hmor for the poe tray trifoundation. goldbah has publiced more than 25 books o poetry, hislatest was publisd this pa summer. we visited him as his home in wichit kansas. >> we're re in albert ldbarth's space collection room and i ve this stuff sure i spend mostof my te writin poems, it's my chief most passion, but as youan tell by looking around the room, this stuff has also taken up good deal of time andenergy, a little bitf money, too, and it really ininvigorate misinsides all the the time. most owhat you'relooking at here is athentic vintage 50s spac toy stuff, a lile bit of it en goes back to the 0s or '30s. so y know sometimes la at ght-- and i stay up until about 3:00n themorning most days the house is quiet, i'm by myself, i doy writingnd thinking then, i' walk into this room d just kind of pivot around 36 degrees and think, yes yes, the nspaper tells the world is a pretty crappy place, but in here i'm also told that there's a rightness the universe. i teach at wiita state univsity in wicha, kans, i'm theadel. ve