mark twitchell. >> the room was packed, there wasn't a single seat. like what is this guy going to say? >> and now, twitchell finally had an audience to hear his story. when he had been waiting two and a half years to tell. coming up! and what a story it was. >> he said that you could blend fiction and reality. so closely together that everyone would be fooled. >> telling fact from fiction. would now be a jury's job. when dateline continues! ateline continues! (woman) oh. oh! hi there. you're jonathan, right? the 995 plan! yes, from colonial penn. your 995 plan fits my budget just right. excuse me? aren't you jonathan from tv, that 995 plan? yes, from colonial penn. i love your lifetime rate lock. that's what sold me. she thinks you're jonathan, with the 995 plan. -are you? -yes, from colonial penn. we were concerned we couldn't get coverage, but it was easy with the 995 plan. -thank you. -you're welcome. i'm jonathan for colonial penn life insurance company. this guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance plan is our #1 most popular plan. it's loaded