mark vitner, thanks again. come back soon.matic flip-flop. a year ago they were trashing her father-in-law, donald trump, former president. talking cnn, "the new york times," "the washington post" and others suddenly warming to his idea, his theory, yeah, coach cove did leak out of that lab in wuhan, china. 18 sign tip of thes say look into it. government officials in france and australia, look into it. you have to investigate it. even the w.h.o. is saying look into it. the cdc director is open to the possibility. dr. fauci is open to the idea. that is next. >> outrageous scientists, u.s. government scientists were denying when they surely seen the same information that i had seen, that certainly is dr. fauci as well. i'm confident we will find that the evidence we've seen to date is consistent with a lab leak. i'm convinced that is what we'll see. if i'm wrong i hope the chinese communist party comes forward to make a fool of me. so then i said to him, you oughta customize your car insurance with liberty mutual, so you only p