. >> you referred to what mark weinberger was just saying. he doesn't endorse one candidate or the other but he said the business community is concerned because they are not hearing enough about things about trade or immigration or hearing about things they want to hear. how do you reassure some of the global leaders that it's something that you are working on and you will have policies and will reflect what they want to say? >> i would love to speak to mark directly if he would want, but i think i addressed trade -- >> i don't think he liked what you said. >> i amount king of illegal immigration and i will stop it and nobody talks about it more than i do, and we have to stop it, and not only immigration, but the drugs. our youth is being poisened and you go to places like new hampshire, heroin, it comes from the southern border and you go to ohio, as an example, and i was there two days ago and the biggest complaint they have is what is pouring in. nobody talks about it more than i do, and it's my issue, and hillary clinton wants to have ope