magazine and television journalist mark whitaker who used to work for cnn, in his newly released authorized biography of bill cosby doesn't touch the topic. >> he's been a pioneer in so many areas. the cosby show was so big that people forget all the other ways in which he, you know, advanced entertainment. >> reporter: whitaker isn't alone. bob huber, former writer for philadelphia magazine admits in his 2006 profile of cosby, he didn't question the star about accusations. >> you were doing this big profile. you got invited to spend time with cosby, but you weren't allowed to ask him questions? >> right. >> reporter: in a recent column "new york times" columnist david carr criticizes whitaker but also calls himself an enabler in not reporting misdeeds by cosby. those in the know also included me. whitaker also agrees with carr tweeting, david, you were right. i was wrong not to deal with the sexual assault charges against cosby and pursue them more aggressively. cnn has obtained a comment by cosby. in this deposition, bill cosby says a media outlet suppressed another woman's story at his r