. >> ifill: i'm joined by mark yarnell a senior advocate at refugees international. he has recently returned from the central african republic where he visited refugee camps and victims of conflict. welcome and thank you for coming to tell us about it. what is at the root of this conflict? >> essentially there was an attack by a coalition of rebels known as salacka, the amal ga immediate consideration of individual groups frustrated at the central government. when they came down and launched an attack and overthrew the government, they continued to carry out a -- you know, fairly severe harassment and abuse against villagers and civilians. eventually the head of rebel group was forced from power and since then there's been reprisal attacks mainly by ant-blocker groups which are christian militias. >> ifill: to the extent we hear about this we hear about this as a conflict between christians and muslims. is it that simple? >> absolutely not. it's taken on a characteristic where people are targeted now because they are either christian or muslim but at the source it's