stuart: was mark zandi who wrote that. one of these daisies going to be right.have no comment, you're the anchor, we will skip that. stuart: how can you possibly imagine that a clean sweep by the democrats where they raise taxes $3 trillion, tax business to the hilt in fossil fuels, how do you think we will get growth in that environment. susan: you're not going to get everything, that's the argument that politics will play an. stuart: another forecast from zandi, the dow is opening now from this friday morning. we are off and running, down 100 points from the get-go, about a half percentage points, the dow is down a half percent, the s&p is down a quarter of 1% and i'll show you the nasdaq right because i believe there on the upside, fractionally, up .06, i will call it flat, how about the vaccine makers especially novavax as we told you earlier that entered the final stage of the vaccine trial, novavax stock is up nearly 4% this morning. the big tech names, you gotta check them, all of them on the upside except for facebook which is down a fraction, let's go t