markham erickson is executive director of the open internet coalition representing more than 50 of the largest internet companies in the country including google, paypal, netflix and twitter. michael o'leary is a senior vice president for the motion picture association of america. michael o'leary, start with you just to get the arguments op on the table briefly here. how exactly do film producers get hurt? give us an example? and why do you think turning up the heat on the portals to these sites is the right way to stop the piracy. >> sure, well, i think it's important to look. it's not just the producers of films that are hurt, it's millions of americans who make their livelihood in the film and television a industry across the united states. it's not necessarily the names on the marquis that are hurt but the names at the end on the credits. people that build the set, costume designer, caters, those are the people who are hurt, because pirates many of them hiding overseas outside the reach of u.s. law are stealing products, distributing them and profiting from them on the internet. an