markku knows of daily wanna just call gretz a phone beggar mentally ill swedish child she is mad and dangerous and she's causing the young children sleepless noise to move to the juicy gossip she's a she needs to go to school and show that i was fascinated by this school girl starting this strike for climate change awareness and i thought wow that's pretty gutsy it was all a little melodramatic it was all in the world of succulent dick i don't want millions if not believes of young people watching great to do that kind of speech and genuinely think the plan is literally about the way she is daring to express what so many young people are feeling and actually i find it remarkable that she can speak in such an honest way its truth to power fearlessly speaking some of her actions ridiculed like her transatlantic boat trip having sailed through storms to avoid carbon emissions from air travel she sailed into a storm of criticism when a fellow companions joined her flying in by plane not to mention the impracticality of adopting such measures on a wider scale this brings us back to growth