let me remind you of the berlin-based teacher markus hertz, who would have been a student of kant andіsnuў plyachy. "i think it's crazy i swear , only kant himself created it." and if that is not the advertorial list of the hell of an unknown person, spam, the doctor gives my recommendation: spadar maimon is from hell in the earth, which i understand you. kant on the sheets of the amal i don’t agree with this at all разам адгукнуўся, прычым на крытыку зусім не пакрыўдзіўся, пахвала Канта тут жа зрабіла Саламона папулярна. Нават дзіўна, як у яго хапала часу, каб нешта пісаць. Тым не менш, збор твораў Маймона налічвае 10 тамоў. Адзін з іх - аўтабіяграфія. Дзякуючы ёй , kant, mindelssohn, fichte, this was given to the great neman, the beetle baroque, the world, this belarusian meat, for several reasons the young people were conceived, being chosen as a philosopher. we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era that is growing with its roots upward. approximately in the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted, and exclusive planting methods, whi