anna: markus karlsson with the as is flash.lectronics closed at a record high after pulsing or called for the company to be split into. two -- split in two. -- for more, let's speak to our bureau chief, peter paid joins us now. what is singer aiming for with the changes he is proposing? this is a conflict business. peter: it is a major conglomerate with cross holdings. singer is looking to increase transparency and increase shareholder value. they have had a career discounting because of the inability to figure out who owns what. he will make that more clear for investors. anna: it is a big business. incident inlatest the united states, how significant is that proving to be for samsung. be prettycould significant. we're not sure if the note 7 smartphone -- on a southwest flight was indeed the 7.lacement for the new note samsung have to call 21 5 million of them because of a better issue that would cause it to overheat, smoke and sometimes catch fire. this one was a replacement for that. if it was indeed that, and it is confirme