>> deputy city attorney marlena burne. the conditions proposed by members of the community in the materials you received, numbers 37 and 38 -- president miguel: i called and nobody came up. >> we are not familiar with the way the process works. which submitted comment cards. president miguel: if you could hold for a minute, we will go back to public comment. >> we expected we were going to be called as other words -- as others were. my name is michelle rielle, and i am also speaking on behalf of eric rielle. i echo the words of support of the character witnesses. many of them, i might add, are paid employees of jack. we feel a little bit of a disadvantage. we do not know the process. many people who could not be represented today are working. it is important that as immediate neighbors adjacent to this envelope we support it, but we have been endeavoring to work with the project team on a lot of our concerns. i would think commissioner -- thank commissioner antonini for moderating that as well. the time frame has been diff